The Majority of Services from Webhostingbuzz
Fast and reliable servers can attract customers, the same as affordable prices. Today most of clients are looking for accessible and not expensive web hosting or web hosting is a service which offers many different services, among them are web hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated servers. Among web hosting packages can be marked out three plans, they are Hosting Mini, Hosting Silver and Hosting Gold.
The first web hosting plan from offers 400Gb of disk space, 10000 Gb of bandwidth, free domain name, free migration, 2 websites and domains, cPanel, 99.9% of uptime guarantee, server level backups, 25$ of google adwords credits. Hosting Silver suggests 750 Gb of disk space, 15000 Gb of bandwidth, free domain name, free migration, unlimited websites and somains, cPanel, 99.99$ uptime guarantee, server level backups, 50$ of google adwords credit.
And the third web hosting plan offers unlimited disk space, bandwidth, free domain name, free migration and domains, cPanel, 99.9$ of uptime guarantee, server level backups, 75$ google adwords credit, and free merchant accounts. In each of the mentioned plans there is a suggestion of a discount.
It means that the longer term you choose, the more discount you get. In the first plan you can get a discount of 24$, in the second plan you can get discount from 12$ and up to 48$ and in the third package you can get a discount from 2$ and up to 72$. Moreover while review it is impossible not to mention all the advantages which offers this web site. Among them are 10 years of experience, more than 100,000 websites online, 45 day money back guarantee, day-and-night customer support, powerful, fast and optimized servers, 99.9% of uptime guarantee, latest hardware and software technology.
Besides, in are included highlighted features, among which are instant set-up, free domain name, cPanel, powerful SEO tools, Google apps integration, free account transfer from a competitor. About reseller, VPS and dedicated servers you can learn out more information by visiting the official page of the web site. All of them have their own plan, prices and features. However, it is important also to mention the affiliate programme which can contribute not only to the development and promotion of your web site, but also earning of money with the help of referrals.
The affiliate programme at this web site really impresses as it offers 50% from any hosting plan, 10% from tier affiliate bonus, +50$ as a bonus of your refer 5+ sales a month and +100$ if you refer 10+ sales a month. Moreover here you can get generous regular payouts, fully-functional affiliate accounts, promotional tools, fair and sustainable commissions, contact with dedicated affiliate manager, second tier affiliate.