The transformation of websites into income sources can be attributed to the web owners and web-developers. A variety of methods are adopted to establish website businesses that can be categorized into two types.
Content based sites
The advertising space on a particular website is sold to obtain revenue. Sites like these do not engage in selling products and services but they post information for free. These sites toe the line of newspapers and magazines, which derive revenue from the advertisements that appear in them. The advertising revenue of the website will depend on the number of clicks on the ad by the viewers or number of views.
Product or service based sites
A few websites offer their products and services to derive revenue. E-commerce websites offer their services and products on payment through credit card or other modes. Many websites offer products that are available only online for purchase. But a few others function as shop windows for existing businesses. An array of guides, exist to explain the process of creating different kinds of websites inclusive of the above mentioned websites. See the links displayed at the bottom of this page.
A combination of the above mentioned practices also fetch revenue for many websites. Websites which offer services towards online auctions are classic examples of the same. These sites charge the users, who avail their services and also derive revenue from displaying third party advertisements.